Own Your Voice Community


 Helping 10,000 voices

to be heard, to

      be understood and to

perform with



  Join our community on Facebook:

Live Online Open Mic 

Group Teaching sessions

Share your music 

Ask for feedback

Interact with other performers and music lovers

Be yourself and enjoy performing


Singing is about more than just vocal technique.

If you are ready to dig a little deeper

contact me zoe@zalick.co.uk  

Psychology for singers: 


The story behind Own Your Voice

As a child I was quiet. Often silent. I wanted to talk about my hopes and dreams, my burning desires and deepest fears but I couldn’t find the right words and I didn’t think anyone would listen anyway.  Instead, I became that person for others – the girl you cried to in the playground; the friend you shared your dream with; the stranger on the train who listened to your life story. I got really good at listening and seeking to understand people but I wanted to do more than that. I wanted to help them feel better. In the meantime I was channeling my own need for self expression into music. When I sang, people stopped and listened. They gave me the attention I was craving and it felt good. It made me realise how powerful my voice could be

 Over 30 years as a teacher and performer, I got to know and use my voice to express myself and connect with others in the classroom and on the stage. Many of my students were looking for the same as me – someone to really listen to and understand them. At first I was happy to just be that person for them but then I realised I could do better than that. I could help them to understand themselves. The concept of Psychology for Singers was born. I started using personality assessment and positive psychology alongside vocal techniques with the result that some of my pupils felt truly understood for the first time in their lives. And there were suddenly so many more opportunities that opened up for them. Greater self awareness meant that they could blast through their performance blocks and explore who they really were and wanted to be.

 The next part of my business came about because of the things I learned from my students. I was shocked at how many of them felt defined by negative early experiences. Things like being told they couldn’t or shouldn’t sing by a teacher or parent or feeling totally humiliated because of one mistake during a public performance. Unfortunately, many of our social experiences as we grow up reinforce the attitude that music is only for the talented few – thereby dismissing the majority as not good enough. And this stays with people. Our culture sometimes shames people into not singing – or feeling bad if they do. I do not buy into that.

 The Own Your Voice Community is my alternative. It is based on the belief that every voice has an equal right to be heard. Music is primarily a social experience. It helps us to communicate with one another in a way that words alone, cannot. We hold regular Open Mic events and welcome all participants.  Developing as a performer is aided massively by having a friendly network and a supportive audience. Smaller groups help with motivation, accountability and developing regular practice habits. We welcome all musicians, performers and music lovers who take the time to listen to and encourage others as well as share their own music.

 My mission is to help 10.000 voices to be heard, to be understood and to perform with confidence. I do this by providing help in three areas :KNOWING yourself and your voice, GROWING your competence and your confidence and SHOWING up as yourself when you perform. Please do contact me if this resonates with you


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